Forest Oaks has many groups and ministries, and we'd like for you to join us.
Quilting for Charity
Anyone is welcome to join on every Monday afternoon from 1:00 to 4:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. All are welcome to attend. No prior sewing or quilting experience is needed to help out as we can use the talents of all. We will teach you as we work. Come and keep us company as we work to the glory of our God.
Arts and Crafts Group
The Arts and Crafts group was first organized in 1985 and has continued each year since that time. Many women participate and put their talents to use creating the many and varied craft items. The fruits of our labors go to helping our home church as well as outside missions and charities. Refreshments are served and all interested women are invited to come and enjoy Christian fellowship. We are not currently meeting, but we hope to resume soon.
Altar Guild
Chairperson: Jackie Bearden
The Altar Guild is an arm of the Forest Oaks Women’s Guild. Their responsibility includes seeing that the chancel, linens, paraments and sacramental vessels are kept clean and in readiness for worship. Other duties include hanging appropriate banners, ordering and placing flowers, laundering acolyte and elder vestments, and maintaining a supply of candles, wafers and wine. Meetings are held as needed.
Men's Club
First organized in 2005 the Men’s Club is open to all male members of Forest Oaks Lutheran. The Men’s Club is dedicated to God, fellowship with each other and service to the congregation. Currently not active and we need members.
Lutheran Women's Missionary League
All confirmed women are members of the LWML of the FL/GA. district. Our purpose is to reach out and serve the Lord with gladness, both in local and foreign mission fields. Support is given to the District’s Scholarship Fund for those planning to pursue careers in ministry and teaching. Meetings are under the umbrella of the Women’s Guild. Mites are collected regularly to help support missions.
Woman's Guild
The Women’s Guild includes all women who are members of Forest Oaks Lutheran Church. Meetings are held nine (9) times a year from September thru May. There are regular meetings with Bible Study and meetings with special events, plus a Christmas luncheon in December. Regular meetings are on the Second Wednesday of the month from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Dates and times for special events are announced in the Sunday bulletins or monthly newsletter. The Guild women help wherever needs arise at various church functions. They also support charities worldwide.
Thrivent was formed from the merger of AAL (Aid Association for Lutherans) and LB (Lutheran Brotherhood). It is a non-profit fraternal benefits company. The local chapter holds open meetings at 7:30PM on the first Thursday of each month at Nativity Lutheran Church on US 19, north of Cortez Blvd.
Care Ministry
Our church cares about every person because of the incomparable love of God extended to all of us in Jesus Christ. We love others because Christ loved us. We should foster Christian fellowship in love by extending a helping hand. These are part of our core values. The purpose of this ministry is to share the love of Jesus through words of encouragement and friendship. We pray for those in need, make visits or phone calls, send cards, and do what we can to help in time of need.
Body and Soul Food Pantry
Chairperson: Lonnie Benmore
Our food pantry is open every Tuesday from 9:00AM until 12:00PM. We are increasingly busy as the need is great. This outreach program is one way in which we serve our neighbors. Food pantry volunteers serve in various capacities, including days when the food pantry is not open. Please have ID for each member of the family and you must be a Hernando county resident.
Focus/Youth Group
The FOCUS Youth Group is comprised of boys and girls confirmed and up thru high school and above. FOCUS (Forest Oaks Christians United with our Savior) meets every Sunday. They hold special events throughout the year to raise funds to attend youth gatherings throughout the country. We need a leader for this group and new members!
Bells of Joy
The Bells of Joy’s main objective is to enhance the worship service with music to honor our Lord and Savior. The bell choir rehearses every Thursday from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. We are always seeking more volunteers. The Bells play and practice from September to May.
Forest Oaks Lutheran Choir
Our choir is open to anyone in high school or older. We meet every Thursday for rehearsal at 7:00PM to 8:00PM. The choir sings each Sunday from September through the Easter season, and then they take a summer break. The only requirement for membership is a willingness to "Sing for our Lord." Our Forest Oaks Choir invites anyone to join us who loves to sing!
Thursday Body and Soul Bible Class
Meets at 9:00 AM each Thursday in the Conference Room. The Bible Study is led by Ed Wright. All are welcome to a great Bible Study with some fellowship. There will be coffee, goodies, and plenty of discussion.